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Aubergines might help in weight management as it is low in calories and rich in dietary fibers that help improve digestion and metabolism. It also keeps you feeling full for a longer time and help prevent overeating and helps manage the levels of cholesterol in balance.
This is a great way to cook aubergines, and probably one that not a lot of people would think of doing. To me, steamed aubergine sounds horrible but, believe me, this recipe is fantastic. Aubergines are usually fried or roasted, which makes them soak up loads of oil, but steaming means they go really soft and tender so that they're lighter to eat – which means you can eat a lot more! All round the world there are so many different varieties of aubergines – long, round, purple, green – so keep your eyes peeled and try cooking them all.
The newly build resort situated on the cliff above the famous Chowara Beach. It is tastefully combining modern architectonical design with Indian spirit of authentic ayurveda.
The resort offers open artistic space which connects all the elements of the earth with individual being. There, all the aspects of the ayurveda healing are trying to bring body, mind and soul back into balance.
Vegetarian ayurvedic diet is part of the individual treatment programme. All dishes are based on local recipes, cooked from organic vegetables and fruits, it helps foreigners to adjust to ayurveda diet.